Smoking Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Dietary plan with insistence on cabbage, sprouts, beat root, carrots, kale, spinach and collard should be opted to reduce the harmful effects of smoking. Eat unpolished rice and bread made of whole-wheat.
Tag: chest pain
Smoking: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Smoking is an addiction it harms nearly every organ of the body, causing many diseases and affecting the health of smokers in general..
Smoking: Symptom and Causes
Smoking Symptoms – Pale and unhealthy skin, Bad breathe, Coughing, Chest pain, Impatience, Acid taste in mouth. Smoking Causes – There is no cause for smoking it is just an addiction. Some triggers can include alcohol and stress..
Costochondritis: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Costochondritis Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – No special diet required. But the foods which are anti-inflammatory, rich in vitamins are good for health.
, Avoid meat, alcohol and fried foods.
Costochondritis: Prevention and Complications
Costochondritis Prevention – Avoid repeated trauma, Treat infections aggressively, Early mobility after surgery.
Costochondritis: Symptom and Causes
Costochondritis Symptoms – Pain and tenderness at the junction of the ribs and the breast bone, Swelling, Tightness in the chest. Costochondritis Causes – Physical trauma, Viral, bacterial, and fungal infections, Diseases like arthritis.
Costochondritis: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Costochondritis is inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join with the cartilage that holds them to the breastbone or sternum..
Angina Pectoris: Prevention and Complications
Angina Pectoris – Prevention – Stop smoking and using nicotine in any form, Control high blood pressure, Lower blood fats.
Angina Pectoris: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Angina Pectoris – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Fruits and vegetables
, Fibre rich foods
, Whole grains
Angina Pectoris: Symptom and Causes
Angina Pectoris – Symptoms – Chest pain or discomfort, Pain in your arms, Nausea, Fatigue. Angina Pectoris – Causes – Cigarette smoking, Medical conditions (diabetes, hypertension, obesity etc.), Physical activity, Prolonged psychological stress.