Predict Leakages of Expecting Mothers Pro-actively Using AI

Engaging and Retaining Expecting Mothers Maternity hospitals succeed on how best they can engage expecting families for providing quality care services. Hospitals need to act pro-actively to their needs. And losing them mid-way will be a big loss for the hospital. Not just loss of customer, but it also leaves underlying issues unresolved. Hospitals mostly rely on feedback from their         Read More …

Predicting Admissions from OP Patients Using AI

Hospital IP Revenues Successful hospitals get up to 65% of their revenue from approximately 18% of their patients. Most of this is coming from IPD services. Imagine a hospital losing 5% of these high value patients to competition. Would not that lead to loss of up to 20% of total hospital revenue? I am sure hospitals must have thought about         Read More …

Increase Patient Engagement Using Bots: Revenue up by 5%

Hospital increase patient engagement using Bots Understanding patient engagement & patient retention Patient engagement is known in two varieties. One is to keep patient engaged so that they can participate in deciding the treatment plan. Other one is to keep patient fully informed and empowered so that they can take their health in their own hands. The former one is limited and more popular may be         Read More …

American children given wrong medication every 8 minutes: report

This is shocking news for American Parents. But the count would be much higher in India given the way medication information is dispensed mostly by pharmacist. The unintended medication errors happen by parents as the instructions are not clear. mTatva is working towards solving this for saving complications due to medication errors in children. We have identified following reasons contributing         Read More …

No sunshine can lead to heart failure

Did you know that 7 out of 10 people you met today could be Vitamin D deficient? Did you know 10 minutes of walk in sunshine is not just saving your bones but also heart? Yes, sunshine gives your body Vitamin D which is critical Vitamin for human body. Today’s fast-paced, competitive lifestyle, which is very demanding and stressful, is         Read More …

Do Patients Like HealthPIE @ mTatva?

Let me admit this: Most of us patients forget taking medications one time or the other. Problem is even more severe towards last couple of days of medication or for long term medications when patient is not bed-ridden. In such cases medication reminders has come really beneficial for patients big time. A sense of adhering to his/her treatment gives high confidence in patients leading to faster recovery. And of-course taking medication on time helps.

HealthPIE – Patient Information and Empowerment

HealthPIE stands for Patient Information and Empowerment. As the name suggests, it is all about patients. In its first serving it has five different flavors. Personalized Information: Mostly elderly patients and women patients have many questions related to their and family health. Unfortunately it current healthcare delivery those answers are mostly not answered. Reasons could be multiple related to either         Read More …