High Blood Pressure Symptoms

High Blood Pressure Hypertension is a common condition that has little to no symptoms, which means that many people that have high blood pressure don’t even know that they have it. Having high blood pressure is also a strong indicator of increased risk for heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. That’s why it’s important to have your blood pressure checked at least annually         Read More …

Hematuria: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Hematuria Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, Drinking cranberry juice or pomegranate juice can be very helpful in recovering from hematuria, Increase the consumption of bittergourd, drumsticks, green bananas all help in faster recovery from hematuria,

Hematuria: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview

Haematuria means the appearance of blood in the urine. Haematuria is usually divided into macroscopic or "gross or visible haematuria" (where the urine is discoloured) and microscopic or "invisible". (The blood can only be detected with laboratory testing). It is a common condition and one which must be taken seriously. In this condition the kidneys or other parts of urinary tract allow blood cells to leak into urine.

Hematuria: Symptom and Causes

Hematuria Symptoms – Some patients are completely symptom-free. Some associated symptoms can be: Pain in the flank (often indicates kidney obstruction either from a stone or a blood clot), Mild bladder infection: burning when passing urine, frequent urges to pass urine, cloudy or smelly urine, More severe kidney infection: high fevers, shakes and chills, flank pain. Hematuria Causes – Bladder tumour/Bladder infection, Cancers of the bladder (pictured), kidney or prostate, Stones in the kidneys or bladder, Inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis).