40% People Above 25 Years are Affected by High BP

Today I will speak about hypertension which is a major contributor to cardiovascular diseases and death in India and world wide. 40% people above 25 years are affected by high BP. It is interesting to note that majority of cases are preventable with grit and determination and firm commitments. One can lead healthy life style and maintain normal BP except         Read More …

Yoga, Benefits and Life

Last year Yoga was recognized internationally and our country celebrated it with great fanfare. Yoga started in India more than 4000 yrs ago, connects mind and body through a series of postures, breathing exercises and meditation. Yoga helps reduce stress by stretching and toning the muscles, flexing spine and focusing mind inward. Yoga has been shown to lower BP, heart         Read More …

Do not get Stressed- Meditate.

Meditation Why do we get stressed? Today I will speak about stress and its management. As we know everybody has some stress and its quantum may vary from mild to severe. Major sources of stress are worries, irritation, anger, ego and jealousy and our perceived failure. Generally, opposition to what we wish, want and think generates anger and irritation. A justified         Read More …

Quit Smoking Today!

effects of tobacco Last week I discussed about alcohol. Remember the 3-R’s of habit? – Reminder, Routine and Reward. In fact there are five stages to change behavior and one stage leads to another. These are pre-contemplation, contemplation, determination, action and maintenance. Avoid relapse as it is difficult to manage. Today I will speak about smoking. May 31 is observed as No Smoking         Read More …

Alcohol? – kick that habit!

Alcohol Habits make us.. Everybody wants to lead a healthy life style but do you have the firm determination, sustainable action to maintain your health? How successful/unsuccessful, happy/unhappy, in-shape or out-of-shape you are? It is essentially the sum of your habits. Do not be upset; you can form good habits and improve your health. Every habit you have, good or bad,         Read More …

Stress & Working Professionals

You may feel there’s nothing you can do about stress. There are always important things to do, bills to pay, and never enough hours in a day to satisfy demands of work and family. All these demands on your time can make you anxious, angry, frustrated – negative emotions that are manifested due to “stress”. Stress management is all about         Read More …

Diabetes in Numbers – India is World Capital

Quick Figures 6.5 crore people in India are diabetic. Another 7.5 crore are in pre-diabetic stage. By 2030, as per WHO, Diabetes Mellitus will be among top 10 leading causes of death. To create awareness globally World Diabetes Day is observed by International Diabetes Federation and WHO on 14th November. 90% of cases are non-insulin dependent (type 2), typically affecting         Read More …

Food and Nutrition – Take 5 Colors Everyday!

Last time I wrote about exercise; I hope you were benefited to some extent. Today I want tell you about nutritious food. Let us speak first about fruits and vegetables. They are health promoting as well as pleasure giving. WHO recommends 5 servings of fruits and vegetable every day. Each serving should be of 80 grams, three from vegetables and         Read More …

No sunshine can lead to heart failure

Did you know that 7 out of 10 people you met today could be Vitamin D deficient? Did you know 10 minutes of walk in sunshine is not just saving your bones but also heart? Yes, sunshine gives your body Vitamin D which is critical Vitamin for human body. Today’s fast-paced, competitive lifestyle, which is very demanding and stressful, is         Read More …