What is H1N1 Influenza Virus Vaccine? H1N1 influenza virus vaccine is used to prevent infection caused by the pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza virus. H1N1 influenza is sometimes called “swine flu” because it originated in pigs. You cannot become infected with H1N1 influenza from eating pork products. The injectable H1N1 influenza virus vaccine is a “killed virus” vaccine. H1N1 influenza virus
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What is Influenza(flu) Vaccine? This vaccine comes under IAP recommended vaccines for High-risk children (Vaccines under special circumstances). Influenza vaccines, also known as flu shots, are vaccines that protect against influenza. A new version of the vaccine is developed twice a year as the influenza virus rapidly changes. Flu is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus.The most common
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Pediatric Influenza – Symptoms – Fever, chills, runny nose, headache, Sore muscles, body aches, Diarrhoea and vomiting, Dry cough. Pediatric Influenza – Causes – It is caused by one of the three types of influenza viruses that is Type A, B, C..
Pediatric Influenza – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Fresh garlic, mushrooms, black tea, clear broths like chicken, beef, vegetable. Eggs, rice, banana, toast. Processed foods, junk foods, excessive consumption of fats and calories.
Pediatric Influenza – Prevention – Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently with soap, Never share articles, Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Influenza which is also called as Flu is an infection caused by influenza virus A&B. It is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract.
Flu Symptoms – Fever and chills, Cough and/or sore throat, Runny or stuffy nose, Headaches and/or body aches. Flu Causes – The flu is caused by an influenza virus. .
Flu Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Water is the best fluid to drink when you have a cold or flu as it helps lubricate the mucous membranes of the throat. Other fluids which are good options during cold and flu infection include: juice, ginger ale, herbal tea, honey and lemon tea, broth, ginger tea. Foods which help boost the immune system include yoghurt, fish, flaxseeds, walnuts, olive, canola and walnut oil. Vitamin C rich foods like oranges, grapefruits, peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, pineapples, broccoli, guava also help boost the immune system.
Flu Prevention – Get vaccinated, Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently with soap, Never pick up used tissues.
The flu is an infection of the respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs). It spreads easily.