HIV Home Care for Long and Healthy Life

HIV Home care HIV Home Care You can improve your overall immunity With HIV home care, which is extremely necessary when you are suffering from HIV. You may be disappointed but there are no curative home remedies to AIDS. HIV Home care for AIDS mainly refers to the preventative measures employed to keep this deadly disorder away. Preventing infection, proper nutrition and physical         Read More …

CD4 Count and its Correlation with HIV

CD4 count What are CD4 Cells? CD4 cells are white blood cells that play an important role in the immune system. Your CD4 cell count gives you an indication of the health of your immune system, your body’s natural defense system against pathogens, infections and illnesses. CD4 cells are sometimes also called T-cells, T-lymphocytes, or helper cells. CD4 Count A CD4 count         Read More …

HIV Infection and its Different Stages

HIV infection HIV infection advances to the forward stage if not treated, overwhelming your immune system and getting worse over time. By using HIV medicines (called Antiretroviral Therapy or ART) consistently, you can prevent HIV from progressing to AIDS. ART helps control the virus so that you can live a longer, healthier life and reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to others.         Read More …

HIV Medications

HIV medication help HIV medications under ART HIV treatment with its medicines is called antiretroviral therapy (ART). People on ART take a combination of HIV medicines (called an HIV regimen) every day. A person’s initial HIV regimen generally includes three HIV medicines from at least two different drug classes. ART can’t cure HIV, but HIV medicines help people with HIV live longer healthier         Read More …

Side Effects of HIV Treatment

HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s defence against infection and illness – the immune system. If you have HIV, you can take drugs to reduce the level of HIV in your body. By taking these anti-HIV drugs, you can slow down or prevent damage to your immune system. These drugs are not a cure, but they can help         Read More …

HIV cases in India due to Blood Transfusion

According to Indian laws, all blood donors or donated blood must be screened for transmissible infections of HIV, hepatitis B and C, malaria and syphilis. Nowhere in the world is transfused blood considered 100% safe. Most blood transfusions go very smoothly but mild problems and, very rarely, serious problems can occur. There is risk of getting HIV, allergic reactions etc.         Read More …