Emphysema: Prevention and Complications

Emphysema Prevention – Stop smoking and avoid exposure to chemical fumes and dust.  , Wear a mask to protect your lungs..

Emphysema: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Emphysema Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Healthy diet consisting of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, fibre and water.
, Low-sodium chicken soup is particularly beneficial for those suffering with emphysema. Because chicken contains cysteine, it helps to clear your body of excess mucus. Additional food sources of cysteine include wheat germ, red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
, Olive oil aids in the removal of waste and mucus from the gallbladder and large intestine.

Emphysema: Symptom and Causes

Emphysema Symptoms – Breathlessness, Sputum produced with chronic bronchitis, Coughing, Cyanosis. Emphysema Causes – Smoking, Air pollution.

Emphysema: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview

Emphysema is a long-term, progressive disease of the lungs and occurs when the alveolar walls are destroyed along with the capillary blood vessels that run within them..