Sleeping Tips


Avoid alcohol and caffeine at least three to four hours prior to bedtime.


Adequate sleep is a must for youthful skin. Skin repairing hormones are released when u sleep. Sleep properly of an average of 6-8hours everyday.


Taking a hot bath or shower about two hours before going to bed can be of great help in treating insomnia. It works as a good bedtime ritual to relax your body and soothe nerve endings.


Sleep Time Recommendations:
3-5 yrs: 10-13 hrs
6-13 yrs: 9-11 hrs
14-17 yrs: 8-10 hrs
18+ yrs: 7-9 hrs

Bad sleep leads to fatigue, less concentration, memory issues, weight-gain, lack of attention, increased chances of diabetes, heart-disease and other health problems.

Ensure you get proper sleep as a healthy habit.

high blood pressure,sleeping,diabetes

Regular sleep of less than 5 hours can lead to hypertension and diabetes. Excess sleep can also lead to diabetes.