Potassium Rich Foods

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Banana is a versatile fruit that contains many nutrients including vitamin A, B, C and E along with mineral like potassium, zinc, manganese and iron.

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Fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit are a great source of vitamin C, which helps to boost the immune system. Citrus fruits and bananas are a good source of potassium, which can help to regulate blood pressure.

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Beetroot is a rich source of folate and manganese and also contains thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, pantothenic acid, choline, betaine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and selenium.

Beetroot juice can improve athletic performance, lower blood pressure and increase blood flow.

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Make sure you eat sufficient fruits and vegetables as they are rich in potassium. For vegetables, you could choose peas, greens, tomatoes, spinach and potatoes.

Fruits such as bananas and oranges and dried fruits such as raisins, apricots, prunes and dates are also high in potassium. Remember to get your potassium from food, not supplements, to avoid any risk of overdose.

healthy food habits,vitamin foods,minerals in food,vitamin C,vitamin E,vitamin B,calcium,potassium,green vegetables

Leafy green vegetables have more nutrition per calorie than any other food. Greens make up a significant source vitamins A, C, E and K as well as several B vitamins. They are rich sources of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium.

kidney,minerals in food,watermelon,calcium,potassium

Watermelon is a great way to treat kidney stones composed of calcium and magnesium phosphates and carbonates. The potassium present in watermelon is an essential ingredient for healthy kidneys. It helps regulate and maintain the acid level in urine.

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Sweet potatoes are a starchy vegetable that contains the antioxidant beta-carotene along with vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and fiber.

All of these help control blood sugar. Whether you like grilled or baked sweet potatoes, try to cook them with the skin on since most of the nutrients are next to the skin.

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Papaya is a good source of potassium, a kind of mineral that counteracts the effects of sodium and helps keep blood pressure levels within a normal range.

banana,healthy food habits,high blood pressure,healthy heart care,potassium

Eat 1- 2 bananas a day to lower blood pressure. The high potassium content of banana helps to lessen the effect of sodium, which in turn regulates blood pressure. In fact, regular intake of potassium-rich foods can reduce your risk of stroke and prevent heart disease.

tomato,high blood pressure,healthy food habits,potassium

Tomatoes are rich in potassium that helps lower blood pressure and flushes sodium from your body. Eat one cup of fresh tomatoes daily. You can add them in salads and sandwiches, as well as use them for making sauces and soups. Avoid eating canned tomatoes.

spinach,vitamin foods,minerals in food,healthy food habits,antioxidant food,high blood pressure,spinach,potassium

Include spinach in your diet in salads, soups and smoothies. The folate, nitrate, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants in spinach help lower high blood pressure.

fenugreek (methi),healthy food habits,high blood pressure,fiber,potassium

Fenugreek seeds are an effective ingredient for lowering high blood pressure due to their high potassium and dietary fiber content.

hydration,minerals in food,healthy food habits,watermelon,calcium,potassium

Watermelon is one of the most water-rich fruits you can eat. It contains essential rehydration salts like calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium that help keep the body hydrated and largely reduce the chance of dehydration.

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All berries are good foods for hydration, but strawberries are the best with 92 percent water. They also contain vitamin C, potassium, fiber and folic acid. Strawberries offer a wide range of health benefits, from anti-aging effects to supporting cardiovascular health.

vitamin foods,minerals in food,fiber,healthy food habits,milk,oats,vitamin E,vitamin B,potassium

Oats contain important nutrients like vitamins B and E, potassium and zinc that help brain development and functioning. Oats are also a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber that will help children stay full longer. Serve oats with milk or yogurt, topped with fruit.

stress management,vitamin foods,minerals in food,healthy food habits,spinach,vitamin B,calcium,potassium,green vegetables

Dark green vegetables like spinach are rich in A, B and C vitamins. Spinach also contains a good amount of minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus that help reduce stress hormones in the body and stabilize mood.

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Avocados contain a good amount of minerals, protein, and vitamins C and E. They are also high in fiber, potassium and healthy fat. All these nutrients help regulate stress hormones by keeping your nerves and brain cells healthy. Eating one-half or whole avocado daily can significantly lower your blood pressure level and reduce your stress hormone level.

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Brinjal (egg plant) don’t have an overwhelming supply of any one nutrient, they do contain many vitamins and minerals, such as excellent amounts of fiber, folate, potassium and manganese, as well as vitamins C, K, and B6, phosphorus, copper, thiamin, niacin, magnesium, and pantothenic acid.

There are 20 calories in 1 cup of raw cubbed brinjal which includes 5gm carbohydrate, 1gm of protein, 3gm of fiber and 2gm of sugar.

healthy food habits,sugar,potassium

Easy to cook and easy to digest lentils are super food to boost your energy. It is full of iron, zinc, folate, potassium, fibre, protein and minerals. Lentils are also known to maintain the sugar level in body.

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Avocado has most of the qualities of buttermilk. An avocado has potassium, vitamin A and E, fibre and folate. Avocado also has polyunstaturated fatty acids. It is known to improve metabolisms as well as good for arthritis, fatigue and diabetes.

dry fruits,healthy food habits,potassium

Dried apricots have more potassium content than the fresh ones. A 100gm serving of dried apricots could provide you with nearly 33% of the daily potassium intake. Consume this dried fruit as a snack or include it in your salads. However, you need to watch your portions as dried fruits contain sugar concentration as well.

fiber,vitamin foods,vitamin C,potassium

Guavas have a delightful taste and are a great source of potassium as well. It is high in fiber, vitamin C etc. and has a distinct flavor and a bunch of health benefits as well. It is low in calories and can be consumed as a whole. A 100gm serving of guavas can provide you with nearly 12% of the daily potassium requirement.