Pediatric Viral Fever: Symptom and Causes

Pediatric Viral Fever – Symptoms – Fever and chills, Running nose, Cough, Headache, Stomach pain. Pediatric Viral Fever – Causes – Most viral infections are spread by inhalation of aerosolised particles, by intake of contaminated water or food, or by direct contact..

Pediatric Viral Fever: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview

Viral fever is a condition where viral infections are associated with the elevations of body temperature. These viruses enter the body through inhalation, direct contact, vectors, and contaminated water and food. These viral infections are easily contracted in person with low immune status. It affects all age groups but infants and old age people are more vulnerable.

Pediatric UTI: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview

UTIs are caused when bacteria infect the urinary tract, which is made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.                  .

Pediatric UTI: Symptom and Causes

Pediatric UTI – Symptoms – Fever with chills, Crying or another indication that urination is painful, Cloud, dark, bloody or fowl-smelling urine. Pediatric UTI – Causes – Bacteria generally living in bowel cause UTIs..

Pediatric UTI: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Pediatric UTI – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be given: Chicken, Coconut oil, Egg yolk,

Pediatric UTI: Prevention and Complications

Pediatric UTI – Prevention – Drink plenty of liquids, especially water, Breastfeeding your baby may lower the risk of them developing a UTI, Early diagnosis and early treatment.

Pediatric Typhoid: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Pediatric Typhoid – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken Foods to be avoided: Sufficient intake of fluids and salts, High calorie intake with plenty of carbohydrate such as fruit juices with glucose Coconut water, Barley, Porridge, Rice, Rava, High protein is also beneficial if there is no diarrhea like milk, custards, fruit milk shake, thin dhal, eggs, soft cooked fish and chicken, mashed potato and other soft cooked vegetables, fruits like banana                            

Pediatric Typhoid: Symptom and Causes

Pediatric Typhoid – Symptoms – Fever, that starts low and increases daily, Headache, Weakness and fatigue (tiredness), Dry cough. Pediatric Typhoid – Causes – Typhoid fever is caused by bacteria called Salmonella Typhi (S. Typhi)..