
DOXAPRAM is a Schedule H drug.
Doxapram is used in the treatment of post anesthesia respiratory depression and drug induced CNS depression.Doxapram belongs to the class of drugs known as analeptics. It works by stimulating the breathing centre in the brain, thereby increasing the rate of breathing.Doxapram treats a lung disease called COPD and complications with anesthesia during surgery.Treatment of drug-induced postanesthetic respiratory depression or apnea not caused by skeletal muscle relaxants.Other supportive therapy preferred due to questionable benefit and high potential for toxicity with doxapram.a Limited role due to availability of safer and shorter-acting anesthetic agents.


DOXAPRAM is generally used to treat: Apnea, Postanesthetic, Apnea, Infantile

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it safe on my liver?
A: Check with your Doctor first

Q: Is it safe on my kidney?
A: Check with your Doctor first

Q: Can I take it with alcohol?
A: Not Safe

Q: Is it safe for children?
A: Not Advised for age < 12yrs

Q: Can it be taken during pregnancy?
A: Considered as Generally Safe – not enough studies to prove risk

Q: Is it safe to take for someone breastfeeding?
A: Check with your Doctor first

How Do I Take It?

Route of Administration: IV (Intravenous)


  • Tell your doctor if you are experiencing wheezing, or if you suffer from any liver problem, or have a tumor of the adrenal glands (phaeochromocytoma) that causes persistent or episodic extreme rise in blood pressure.
  • Do not drive or operate machinery as doxapram may cause dizziness.
  • Do not consume while taking doxapram as it may worsen the side effects.
  • Use of doxapram is not recommended in children <12 years.
  • Tell your doctor if you are or planning to become pregnant or are breastfeeding.
  • Doxapram hydrochloride injection contains benzyl alcohol as a preservative, which has been associated with toxicity (including deaths) in neonates.
  • Use of this preparation in neonates is not recommended.Do not use doxapram in conjunction with mechanical ventilation.

Symptoms of Overdosage

DOXAPRAM over-dosage can result in: Difficulty Breathing

Common Side-Effects

DOXAPRAM : Tachypnea, Urinary Retention, Spasticity, Hypertension, Diarrhoea, Seizure, Blood Pressure, High, Cough, Head Headache, Dizziness, Body Excessive Sweating, Nausea, Vomit, Thick Saliva Or Mucus, Throat Tightness, Shortness Of Breath, Slow Heart Rate (pulse)

Disease Interactions

DOXAPRAM can interfere with: Pheochromocytoma, Hypertension, Hyperthyroidism, PAD (Peripheral Artery Disease), Congestive Heart Disease, Cerebral Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism, Acute Renal Failure

Technical Classification


Storage Conditions

Room Temperature (Between 15 To 25 C)

Available Alternatives

Common Drugs with DOXAPRAM as Ingredient