Targeted Marketing of OP Services

Outpatient Services

OP Services in a hospital typically offer a range of diagnostic and imaging services to the patients. The out of pocket expense for these can range from few hundred rupees to tens of thousands. From time to time, the hospital may also offer incentives in the form of discount etc. to attract the patients to avail the services. The incentives are limited-time promotions and available to anyone and are advertised prominently. This type of marketing has existed for a long long time.

In the age of internet, Targeted Marketing has become the most efficient technique for ROI. It works by targeting potential customers that are most likely to avail the service or buy the product. What if similar technology was available at the reception of a hospital where the frontdesk-staff could offer on the spot incentive to potential high-value customers?

Identifying the Potential Customers

The mechanics of identifying the target individuals is tied into our Leakage Prediction system. Leakage prediction works by learning demographic factors for patients who might skip doing an investigation, like diagnostic-test or imaging, at the hospital – and instead get it done from outside.

A byproduct of the model that is created by the Leakage-analysis bot is a profile of customer – which, together with the Doctor/Specialty being consulted – is used to predict their out-of-pocket expenses for OP services!

How it Works?

The implementation is quite simple to operationalize. The frontdesk or the reception is given a tool where they can enter the patient’s particular – like Hospital ID and the Doctor or Specialty they have come to consult. The system takes the demographic-parameters and along with the clinical data gives an INR value of the expected expenses.

Now if the expected tests and expenses qualify certain parameters, the staff may offer an upfront discount to the patient or pitch their services appropriately to retain him/her.

In this manner we have a real-time prediction-tool that can be used for targeted-marketing using AI everywhere!