Food and Nutrition – Take 5 Colors Everyday!

Last time I wrote about exercise; I hope you were benefited to some extent.

Today I want tell you about nutritious food. Let us speak first about fruits and vegetables. They are health promoting as well as pleasure giving. WHO recommends 5 servings of fruits and vegetable every day. Each serving should be of 80 grams, three from vegetables and two from colored fruits (red, yellow, orange, blue and green). Take five colors a day. They are generally very efficient source of micronutrients containing several vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fibre. They are protective food helpful in preventing cardiovascular diseases. Blue fruits and vegetables control hypertension and are good source of potassium. Some fruits like apple, pomegranate, guava ,orange etc are good in Diabetes Mellitus. Fibre in diet in proper proportion helps excretion and prevents constipation, cancer of colon and rectum.

Dry Fruits


Dry fruits are powerhouse of nutrition packed with essential fatty acids, protein, minerals and antioxidants in relatively small bulk. Since most of water is extracted from dry fruits, their nutrients are condensed into small packages hence easy to carry any where and taken any time. They are rich source of oil hence provide more calories therefore quantity should be limited about 25-30 gm/day.

The best is walnut which is a rich source of omega -3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats (65%) Vit E and protein 16%. It is brain food, good for proper functioning of brain cells and helps in lowering hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, triglycerides, inflammation in Bronchial Asthma and autoimmune joints-pain. It is rich in melatonin – regulates sleep and also useful in migraine. 90% of antioxidants including phenolic acids, tannins and flavonoids are found in skin help in counteracting age related cognitive decline even decreases risk of neuro-degenerative diseases. Add them to desserts or just pop them daily (3-4 halves).

Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids ( 60% fats) and Vit E, potassium, magnesium to maintain normal blood pressure, maintain healthy heart and trace elements like copper and manganese are needed in small amount added to their health quotients. Eat 7-8 pieces daily.

Pistachios contain more proteins in comparison with walnuts and almonds. They are rich in oleic acids, carotenes , Vit E and richest source of Iron hence good for robust health. 10-12 pieces can be taken daily. Prefer green and unsalted pistachios!

Dates are nutritional powerhouse, an excellent source of potassium and magnesium protect cardiovascular system. They are good source of B-vitamins as well which improve energy level and Iron present helps our bodies produce oxygen rich blood cell. Rich in fructose and dextrose provide simple sugar easily and are good way to start the day. It contains maximum dietary fiber and good laxative. They are natural and healthy way to satisfy sweet tooth. Take 2 medium-sized dates daily.

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