Wrist Pain: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview

What is Wrist Pain?

Wrist pain is any pain or discomfort in the wrist. It is an extremely common complaint. It is more common in people who spend a lot of time doing activities that require pinching or gripping with the wrist bent.

Recovery Time

Recovery time depends on how serious your wrist sprain is. It may take from 2 to 10 weeks to heal. 


Diagnosis is done by physical examination and other tests may include:
  • X-ray
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
  • Arthrogram (a special type of X-ray or MRI)
  • Arthroscopy 

FAQs prepared by doctor

1. What is wrist pain?
Wrist pain is any pain or discomfort in the wrist. It is an extremely common complaint. It is more common in people who spend a lot of time doing activities that require pinching or gripping with the wrist bent.

2. What are the symptoms in wrist pain?
The most common symptom is trouble making a fist or gripping objects, sensation that the hands have fallen asleep, sudden sharp pain, swelling or redness and tenderness and warmth at the joint.

3. What are the causes of wrist pain?
Two common causes of wrist pain are carpel tunnel syndrome and wrist tendonitis. Both problems are considered to be because of overuse and injuries. Wrist pain may occur if one does repetitive movements with wrist such as typing on a computer keyboard, using a computer mouse, playing racquetball or handball, sewing, painting, writing, or using a vibrating tool. The pain also occurs if one is pregnant, menopausal, overweight or have diabetes, premenstrual syndrome, an underactive thyroid, or rheumatoid arthritis.

4. What to do when one is suffering from wrist pain?
One shall rest his wrist. Keep it elevated and apply ice to the tender and swollen area. Compress the wrist with a bandage. Wear a splint for several days. Try the exercises after a hot bath or shower so that your wrist is warmed up and less stiff. Do not perform exercises when your wrist is actively inflamed. Make sure that your keyboard is low enough that your wrists are not bending upwards while you type. Take plenty of breaks from activities that aggravate the pain. When typing, stop often to rest the hands, if only for a moment. Rest your hands on their sides, not the wrists.

5. When shall one consult a doctor?
Consult a doctor if one experience symptoms like Inability to carry objects or use the arm or some injury that causes deformity of the joint. If there is a wrist pain that occurs at night or while resting, which persists beyond a few days one shall visit a doctor. Inability to straighten or flex the joint or swelling or significant bruising around the joint or forearm or with signs of an infection, including fever, redness, warmth are the other important reasons to visit a consultant
Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the wrist, hand, or fingers with pain require immediate consultation.

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