Pruritus Vulva: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Food and Nutrition

Foods to be taken
  • Drink lots of water and eat fermented foods such as probiotic yogurt
  • Include seasonal fruits, salads, sprouts, vegetables, soups or buttermilk
Foods to be avoided
  • All processed, refined and denatured foods such as white sugar, white flour and all products made from them
  • Coffee, tea, eggs, meat, spicy and oily foods
  • Alcohol and smoking
  • Avoid tomatoes and peanuts

Yoga and Exercise

  • Avoid exercises that put direct pressure on vulva (e.g. biking, horseback riding)
  • Limit intense exercises that create a lot of friction in vulvar area
  • Do not swim in highly chlorinated pools and avoid use of hot tubs 

Home Remedies

  • Wear cotton underclothes
  • Keep the area as dry and cool as possible. Wear loose clothing
  • Donot scratch the itchy area. Scratching will aggravate soreness and irritation
  • After urinating or having a bowel movement, clean the genital area gently with absorbent cotton or antiseptic wipes. Wipe from front to back (vagina to anus)
  • During menstruation, use tampons rather than sanitary napkins until the disorder heals
  • Sit in bathtub of warm (tepid, not hot) water several times a day to help relieve itching
  • Avoid scratching, which will only aggravate the problem
  • Try dabbing some petroleum jelly on irritated skin to protect it

vaginal itching, inflammation in vagina, pruritus scrotae, foul smell, itching of genital area, itchy vulvae, pruritus scroti, Pruritus Vulva dos & donts, Pruritus Vulva nutrition plan, foods to avoid for Pruritus Vulva,