Rainy Season Woes & Staying Healthy

Rain and humidity aggravates infections specially more in those with low immunity. Following are some of the most common infections and diseases to look out for. Viral Fever Symptoms: Fever – mild to moderate in degree, with cough and sore throat associated with running nose and congestion. Burning sensation in eyes with gritty feeling, body aches. May be associated with         Read More …

DASH Diet to Stop Hypertension

DASH Diet is a lifelong approach to healthy eating that is designed to treat or prevent high blood pressure. The DASH diet helps to reduce sodium in your diet and eat a variety of foods rich in nutrients that help lower the blood pressure such as calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Reducing Leakage in Admissions, Pharmacy and Diagnostics at Hospitals

Significant OPD but Tiny Sales in IP, Diagnostics & Pharmacy? Hospitals have two big challenges to stay profitable. First, they have to continuously work to get new patients to discover their hospital. Second, most important aspect, is to get as much revenue from each patient visit. The second one drives both top-line and bottom-line significantly, but is also the least         Read More …

Simple Everyday Measures for Better Living

Some simple-to-follow tips based on simple facts that can add up to make a big difference in your life. Sugar One spoonful (5mg) contains 20 calories. Check your daily intake of tea/coffee – added sugar is the biggest contributor to calories and weight. Keep diabetes at bay! A gm of sugar gives 4 cals. 3 tsp everyday, for an year         Read More …

Vaccines Ineffective due to Improper Storage

Vaccines must be stored properly from the time they are manufactured until they are administered. Proper vaccine storage and handling practices play a very important role in protecting individuals and communities from vaccine-preventable diseases. Vaccine quality is the shared responsibility of everyone. Every facility should have detailed written protocols for routine and emergency vaccine storage and handling and they should         Read More …