Malaria-Free World by 2030: The Indian Govt and WHO Initiative

Home Remedies for Typhoid Fever Shift in Malaria Cases According to the latest estimates from WHO, many countries with ongoing malaria transmission have reduced their disease burden significantly. On a global scale, the rate of new malaria cases fell by 21% between 2010 and 2015. Malaria death rates fell by 29% in the same 5-year period. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has set a global         Read More …

Rainy Season Woes & Staying Healthy

Rain and humidity aggravates infections specially more in those with low immunity. Following are some of the most common infections and diseases to look out for. Viral Fever Symptoms: Fever – mild to moderate in degree, with cough and sore throat associated with running nose and congestion. Burning sensation in eyes with gritty feeling, body aches. May be associated with         Read More …

Zika Virus – Beware of Mosquitoes, again!

Zika is a mosquito borne virus. It is transmitted mostly by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito which also spreads dengue and chikungunya viruses. Symptoms include fever, rash, conjunctivitis and mild fever. Incubation period is 2-7 days after the bite of infected mosquito. One out of four people will develop symptoms of the disease. Source: Muhammad Mahdi Karim The virus         Read More …

India – the Dengue Capital of the World

Dengue Beware of that mosquito you might spot around you during the day! For, you may catch the Dengue Fever if you don’t take the due precautions. India’s official data reports about 20,000 cases annually but one study estimated this number to be about 300X off – with the actual number of hospitalizations being around 58,00,000! Dengue is endemic in India         Read More …