Home Remedies for Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian cyst There are various home remedies that can help in relieving the discomfort caused by ovarian cyst like lower abdomen pain, heavy bleeding, irregular menstruation, spotting, weight gain, nausea, vomiting etc. Home Remedies for Ovarian Cyst Almonds: It is a great source of magnesium that reduces painful cramps associated with ovarian cysts. Regular consumptions help to relieve the pain and discomfort         Read More …

Postmenopause Period: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Postmenopause Period – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Consume fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, to strengthen your immune system like carrots, apples, beans, soy, yams, potatoes, seaweed etc.
, Calcium-rich foods such as low-fat dairy products (like milk, Low fat yogurt, Cheese, Soy milk), spinach, almonds and fish can help women maintain proper bone strength.
, Whole grain breads, pastas and pastries are more nutritious than their refined white counterparts.

Postmenopause Period: Symptom and Causes

Postmenopause Period – Symptoms – Vaginal dryness and itching                    , Weight gain, Frequent sweating, Stress incontinence. Postmenopause Period – Causes – Women who smoke and drink heavily, Constant periods of stress, Hormonal fluctuations.

Perimenopause Period: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Perimenopause Period – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Carbohydrate-containing foods, such as milk, cereal or a slice of toast
, Vitamin B12 rich foods: meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products
, Consume fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, to strengthen your immune system like carrots, apples, beans, soy, yams, potatoes, seaweed etc.

Perimenopause Period: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview

Perimenopause means "around menopause" and refers to the time period during which a woman body makes its natural transition toward permanent infertility (menopause)..

Perimenopause Period: Symptom and Causes

Perimenopause Period – Symptoms – Hot flashes/night sweats, Vaginal dryness, Breast tenderness, Menstrual irregularity, Uterine bleeding problems, Urine leakage when coughing or sneezing. Perimenopause Period – Causes –  Hormonal fluctuations.