Yoga, Benefits and Life

Last year Yoga was recognized internationally and our country celebrated it with great fanfare.

Yoga started in India more than 4000 yrs ago, connects mind and body through a series of postures, breathing exercises and meditation. Yoga helps reduce stress by stretching and toning the muscles, flexing spine and focusing mind inward.

Yoga has been shown to lower BP, heart rate, weight and blood cholesterol and these can reduce a person’s risk of heart disease. A sixty minute yoga session increased levels of GABA and low level of GABA linked to depression and anxiety disorders and another study has found increasing alpha waves in brain associated with relaxation and it also reduces amount of cortisol, a hormone that the body releases in response to stress. Breathing exercises helps reduce obstructive respiratory diseases. Yoga also beneficial in migraine and musculoskeletal lower back problems, arthritis and yoga posture work like the massage works.

Yoga can also make you more toned and fit and help you with greater ease more so in older person .There are various type of yoga which ever style of yoga you choose take it slowly at first and don’t try do various posture in beginning.

To have fruitful meditation we need to overcome anger but to overcome anger we need to meditate. It is not so much a catch-22 situation, however, as it is cycle of success.

By meditation your mind gets organized , the way you think is the way you feel , your emotion will get organized, once your thought and emotion are organized, your energies will go to the same way. Then your very body will get organized. Once all these four are organized in one direction, your ability to create and manifest what you want you want is phenomenal.

God and everything divine is within you and in every one around you. If there is happiness within you, you would not quarrel. And to find that happiness you have to find the divine in everyone.

In this busy and hectic life we should spare some time and to start with do some simple asanas like sukhasana, padamasana, balasana, bhujanasana, ustraasana etc one can see and learn from googlebaba but aged person should be cautious about some poses keeping in mind their chronic diseases.

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