Sleep Apnea: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Food and Nutrition

Foods to be taken
  • Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Healthier fats like olive oil  
  • Fiber rich foods like  green leafy vegs, salads and fruits
Foods to be avoided
  • Tea and coffee and all caffeinated products
  • Tamasic foods ( non-vegetarian foods, fried or fermented or stale foods) in dinner
  • Meats, butter, and processed foods

Yoga and Exercise

Throat exercises may reduce the severity of sleep apnea by strengthening the muscles in the airway, making them less likely to collapse.
  • Press your tongue flat against the floor of your mouth and brush top and sides with a toothbrush. Repeat brushing movement five times, three times a day.
  • Press the length of your tongue to roof of your mouth and hold for three minutes a day.
  • Place a finger into one side of your mouth. Hold the finger against your cheek while pulling the cheek muscle in at same time. Repeat 10 times, rest, and then alternate sides. Repeat this sequence three times.
  • Purse your lips as if to kiss. Hold your lips tightly together and move them up and to the right, then up and to the left 10 times. Repeat this sequence three times.
  • Place your lips on a balloon. Take a deep breath through your nose then blow out through your mouth to inflate the balloon as much as possible. Repeat this five times without removing balloon from your mouth.  
Aerobic activity (walking, swimming, biking), strength training (lifting weights), and flexibility (stretching) exercises help to maintain a healthy weight
YOGA- Meru vakrasana

Home Remedies

  • Sleep in empty stomach by leaving a gap of at least 2 hours between dinner and going to bed.
  • Follow regular exercise program
  • Maintain regular sleep hours
  • Avoid sleeping on your back and sleep on your side
  • Try to keep your nasal passages open at night using nasal dilator, saline spray, breathing strips, or a neti pot
  • Elevate the head of your bed by four to six inches or elevate your body from the waist up by using a foam wedge. You can also use a special cervical pillow

sleep disorder, central sleep apnea, CSA, obstructive sleep apnea, pause in breathing, insomnia, breathing difficulty, sleep disturbance, Sleep Apnea dos & donts, Sleep Apnea nutrition plan, foods to avoid for Sleep Apnea,