Rhinitis: Prevention and Complications

Prevention Tips

The best way to control your symptoms is to avoid being exposed to the allergens that trigger your symptoms. These steps may help
  • Stay indoors, and close the windows
  • Use air conditioners and clean there filters regularly
  • Bathe or shower and change your clothes after being outside
  • Use vacuum cleaners and air conditioners with HEPA filters to trap allergens
If you have year-round allergies
  • Cover your pillows and mattress with dust mite covers
  • Remove carpet and install tile or hardwood floors. Use area rugs and wash them often in very hot water
  • Use blinds instead of curtains
  • Keep pets out of the bedroom
  • Use an air purifier
  • Wash bedding and toys such as stuffed animals in very hot water once a week
  • Decrease or avoid outdoor activities on hot summer days, when ozone levels may make your symptoms worse

Watch Out

  • Severe itching of the eyes or nose
  • Fever or ear pain
  • Pain, tenderness and swelling around the eyes, nose and cheeks
  • Nasal polyps
  • Middle ear infections

When to See Doctor

Consult a doctor if you have
  • Pain in the sinus area and other symptoms of sinus infection
  • Fever or ear pain
  • Cough or cold that lasts longer than 1 to 2 weeks
  • Severe itching of the eyes or nose

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